Minggu, 01 April 2012

Masalah Anak Dalam Belajar

Sebuah pertanyaan yang pernah muncul dari salah seorang orang tu murid?
Ada yang menarik untuk para pendidik di beberapa daerah di Indonesia dengan perilaku manja, tidak repot-repot untuk mendidik siswa yang memiliki masalah dalam cara belajar.
Dari pengalaman kami dalam membuka bimbingan belajar, banyak orang tua yang mengeluh terhadap rekomendasikan anak-anak mereka untuk les privat (less sendiri). Jika tidak mau repot untuk mendidik siswa untuk apa tugas seorang guru, seharusnya mereka membaca kembali tugas utama sebagai seorang pendidik.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Langkah Jitu Menjadi Orang Tua Sukses

Tuntutan dan kebutuhan yang selalu berubah dengan kompleksitas yang sangat tinggi, ketergantungan pada keuangan tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia, sekarang untuk keberhasilan dan martabat suatu keluarga diukur berdasarkan kekayaan keuangan.

Pola pikir yang berpendapat  finansial segala-galanya telah menuntut untuk mendapatkannya dengan berbagai cara bahkan harus repot-repot dengan mengorbankan waktu bersama dengan keluarga.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Strategi Membuat Sekolah Unggul

Pada masa datang akan banyak gesekan bagi penduduk bumi ini, manusia pelan-pelan berubah dengan kemampuannya dalam melakukan penelitiannya. Ada beberapa orang di pihak lain sedang sibuk dengan penelitian untuk menciptakan produk yang dapat membuat orang lain ketergantungan sementara disisi lain banyak orang yang sering bergantung pada sistem yang dibuat oleh orang lain tersebut, sehingga berdampak pada gaya hidup konsumtif.
Budaya lokal yang dulunya begitu kental dengan gaya hidup yang sesuai dengan budaya lokal mulai ditinggalkan sehingga orang akan menjadi aneh dengan menjadi tamu dirumahnya sendiri.

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Education For Character Building

Since the birth of each person grow and develop according to his own time and rhythm of development, bringing the ability of its own nature is nurtured by its own environment as well, so the result is a complex and unique. The uniqueness is due to the complexity and unique that no one seemed to have more in common with that whatsoever.
In the course of human life that has much in common account of the life that is passed along as far as man is in a normal life. Every human being will pass through infancy, childhood, school years, adolescence, adulthood and old age.
All of the proficiency level of education has a role in the process of character formation; the baby has a role in the introduction of environmental sensitivity, the Child will develop themselves while playing, teens will equip yourself for a happy life and adulthood with a foster family that brings the work to maintain of life and survival.
Each time it has a role, if passed by the unnatural and does not engrossing self education will affect the corresponding phase is very influential on the next phase. If in childhood with the problems of childhood are less happy with the full pressure will certainly affect the character to the next phase.
In other words, childhood is filled with the fulfillment of basic human needs of the character will be good in the process of education on adolescent phase. adolescent phase when both would be good also the beginning of adult stage.
Older adults would have an option but ...

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Motivation in Learning

Motivation can interpreted as the driving force that has become active. Motivation is a force (push, the reason for the willingness) of a person to do / Acts that are directed at specific objectives, (Pasaribu, 1983:50). Mc. Donal in Sardiman, (2003:73),explains that: "The motivation is the energy in a person who is marked by the emergence of "felling" and preceded in response to the goal. Thomas L, Good and Jere Brophy M in Prayitno, (1989:80) states: "Motivation as a driving force, the steering and reinforce behavior ".
On students actually there is mental strength and drives the learning. Power mental form of desire, attention, willingness, expectations, needs, goals, objectives and irisenti. This mental state is to enable, deliver and attitudes and behaviors directed learning individual (Koeswara, 1989). There are three The main component in the motivation.
1.      Needs.
2.      Encouragement.
3.      Purpose.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Utilization of information technology as a medium of learning

Media education is everything that can be used to convey the message ( material learning) so as to stimulate the attention, interest and a sense of students in learning activities to achieve learning objectives

Information technology is the study or the use of electronic equipment, especially computers to store and distribute information to analyze anything, including words, numbers and images. Include information technology hardware and software to perform one or a number of data processing tasks such as capturing, stransmited, store, retrieve, manipulate and display data.
Utilization of information technology in the learning process