Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Draft Development and Assesment of Learning

A.   Preliminary
Learning implementation will run with well if planned well, too. Good sense here is when RPP contains all the components of learning and each component is mutually related and support; if the implementation of learning in accordance with the plans both with regard to material and time used and the results achieved. Very possible that a good lesson plan is not can be implemented either in the implementation of learning, let alone plan learning is not good. Therefore, a key lesson plans The first successful implementation of learning.
One aspect of the learning plan is assessment. Implementation of learning outcomes identified by the assessment. When appraisal well planned, expected results of the implementation of learning well too. Good understanding of the assessment is that all stages of preparation assessment tools in accordance with the standards of assessment, ranging from grating up to the point of writing about.
So, how to plan implementation learning (RPP) and make a good assessment tool? What are the elements must exist in an RPP? What are the stages of preparation of the Draft? How sure (what criteria) that the RPP has a good quality? How make a good assessment tool? How to make sure (what criteria) assessment tool good?
The paper contains concise explanations Draft standards and assessment of learning. As a standard, explanation of a general nature. Each teacher is expected to apply standards These correspond to the characteristics of the subjects that diampunya. Term differences that may exist between teachers' various eye RPP lessons and assessments, as it gets training from instructors Different or minimized wherever possible agreed in general. Sometimes, different style of delivery that can be misunderstood, as if there is a very essential so as not willing to compromise.
It is hoped the discussion in this workshop produce enough understanding for teachers in preparing lesson plans and tools assessment in accordance with their respective subjects. 
B. Preparation of Draft 
1.    Elements of RPP
That we should proceed from the same base; to we do not indulge in ego and the will of each; that we see pembeljaran process all basically the same subjects, we should This discussion started with candy stars. 41 of 2007 on the Standard Process. One important aspect that is set in the Standard Process is a compilation RPP. RPP translated from the syllabus to guide students in learning activities efforts to reach KD. Every teacher in the educational unit shall prepare Draft a complete and systematic so that learning takes place as well: an interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating learners to actively participate and provide enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence in accordance with their talents, interests, and physical development learners as well as psychological.
RPP prepared for every KD that can be implemented in one meeting or more. Teachers to design lesson plans for each piece of customized meetings by scheduling the educational unit. Kompenen RPP are as follows.
a.   The identity of the subjects: Identification of subjects, including: unit education, class, semester, program / program expertise, subjects or themes lessons, the number of meetings.
b.  Competency standardsStandards of competence is a qualifying minimal ability learners who describes the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes, and skills to be achieved in each grade and / or the semester on a subject. Standr competence taken from Content Standards.
c.   Basic competencies: Basic competence is a capability learners who have mastered in a particular subject as a reference development of indicators of competence in a lesson. Basic competence can also be copied from the Content Standards.
d.    Indicators of achievement of competencies: Indicators of competence is a behavior that can be measured and / or observed to show achievement of certain basic competence is the reference currency valuation lessons. Indicators of achievement of competencies formulated by using the word operational work that can be observed and measured, which includes knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
e.    Learning objectives: Learning objectives describe the process and the expected learning outcomes achieved by learners in accordance with basic competencies. It often happens differences in interpretation between the indicators of competence and achievement goals learning. On the one hand some say the same, on the other hand there are differently said in a statement. Said the same parties argued that the indicator is special purpose. In the formulation of goals starting with "Students can ...", while indicators starting with operational work. For those who expressed different argued that the indicator is more detailed than the destination. A destination learning has a lot of indicators. For example, an indicator that students are able interviewing a person is (1) has (made) a list of questions (guidelines interviews), (2) ask questions (sounds obvious, easily understood sentences), (3) present the results of the interview (answers summarized sources, explaining to others). Authors of this paper in favor of a different state.
f.     Teaching materials: Teaching materials include facts, concepts, principles, and procedures, and written in the form items in accordance with the formulation of indicators of achievement of competencies. There are two kinds of teaching materials, (1) subject matter and (2) material learning. Subject matter is something (objects, reading, drawing, map, people, etc.) that can be emulated by the students. Learning material is a theory (Definitions, terms, principles, categories, and systematics), which explains how to implement something like the subject matter. For example, KD is dibelajarkan informants interviewed regarding the basic material is video interviews and manuscript reports the interview, while the learning is understanding of the interview, making the technique an interview guide, step-lengkah conducting interviews, questioning techniques, and techniques menyimpuklkan interviews. The second material is necessary developed, directly under the caption of material or attached at the rear RPP. The more detailed the better the material development of RPP.
g.     Allocation of timeAllocation of time determined in accordance with the purposes for KD and the burden of learning achievement. Appropriate allocation of time determined by taking into account the KD and the amount of time provided in a semester.
h.   Teaching methods: Learning methods used by teachers to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners achieve basic competence or set of indicators that have been set. Election learning methods adapted to the circumstances of learners, as well as characteristics of each of the indicators and competencies to be achieved in each subject. Thematic learning approach is used for participants students in grade 1 to grade 3 SD / MI. The method is written is that really going to be applied in learning activities. Often there are a number of methods in the RPP, but the activity learning is not seen the application. Although this section only written the name of the method, however, its application is written in the activities learning, to achieve the indicators / objectives which the method was used.
i.        Learning activities:
1) Introduction: Introduction is the initial activity in a meeting devoted to learning motivating and focusing the attention of learners to participate actively in the learning process. To in the introduction does not include greetings penyapa from teachers to students when the teacher entered the room and not the activities including lectures attendance. Introduction deals with KD: apperception, KD delivery, indicators, and objectives.
2) Core: core activities is a learning process to reach KD. Learning activities conducted in an interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging, motivating learners to actively participate and provide enough space for innovation, creativity, and independence in accordance with their talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of students. This activity is carried out systematically and systemically through the process of exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. In part this is all the methods / techniques applied. Respectively, explain its use in here.
3) Closing: Closing the activities undertaken to put an end to the learning activities can be done in the form of a summary or conclusion, assessment and reflection, feedback, and follow-up. Write down the activities cover that can make students more sculpted on what they have just learned so much longer can remember. Reflection is very important because relating to the benefits of learning and assessing learning.
j.  Assessment of learning outcomes: Procedure and instruments assessment process and learning outcomes tailored to the achievement indicators competence and refer to the Standard Assessment. Grains form and matter listed here. Teremasuk rubric and a key question.
k.  Learning resources: Determination of learning resources based on competency standards and basic competence, as well as teaching materials, learning activities, and indicators achievement of competence. Learning resources such as books, recordings, expressed with such a complete library list.

2.    The principles Preparation of Draft
a.   Attention to individual differences in learners: Draft prepared taking into account differences in gender, initial capability, the property, interest, motivation, talent, potential, social skills, emotional, learning styles, special needs, speed of learning, cultural background, norms, values, and / or environment of students. Applications of individual differences were seen in the diversity learning activities, choice of material that does not marginalize ethnic or religious particular, no gender bias, the sustainability of a material, the jangkay students' intellectual, proximity to the student environment, and economic levels the average student (if something needs to be purchased).
b.    Encourage the active participation of students: The learning process designed with a focus on the learner to encourage motivation, interest, creativity, initiative, inspiration, independence, and enthusiasm for learning. This does not just look at options subject matter, but also on learning activities. As far as possible hindri speak, but the design various student activities on an ongoing basis. Our students are often noisy because of they are not involved in the process of doing something as part of learning. Calculate the time and number of activities to do so there are no opportunities to do things beyond the material learning.
b.   Develop a culture of reading and writing: The learning process designed to develop a hobby of reading, understanding of diverse readings, and expression in various forms of writing. One disadvantage of our nation we are the low interest in reading because he do not feel the need to read. Maybe the teacher is not assigned him to read, and if there is the task of reading, not monitored what they read. Assign also students write what they read or what they learned. As far as possible, each week students are given the task of writing, at least one or two paragraphs. This not only task of the teacher of Indonesian, Indonesian teachers that train students to write, other subject teachers to assign students to write itself. Thus, the all teachers are teachers of reading and writing.
c.      Provide feedback and follow-up: RPP load design program providing positive feedback, reinforcement, enrichment, and remediation. At the end of the lesson the students will certainly have a complete and incomplete. Therefore, RPP, especially in the assessment, completed as well with enrichment and remedial programs complete with methods and material.
d.   The linkage and integration: RPP prepared by taking into account linkages and integration between SK, KD, material learning, learning activities, indicators of achievement of competencies, assessment, and learning resources in a whole learning experience. RPP prepared to accommodate thematic learning, integration of cross-eye lessons, learning aspects of the cross, and cultural diversity. Is this possible? Very likely because it is basically science one, we are to divide it into several meta lesson. On Essentially, the purpose of schooling is to master the basics knowledge, skills, and forming attitudes. All eyes lessons, in essence, is simply a tool to achieve those three things. Student are good at science and math, but not good at writing and socializing will not be complete as a perfect human being. Students who jaunty, but silly in science and mathematics usually look stupid.
e.    Applying technology information and communication: Draft prepared by considering the application information and communication technologies in an integrated, systematic, and effective in accordance with the circumstances. The use of ICT is required to go to fast and a lot more students get of information. ICT makes life easier, but ICT can also make people too confident so it was no need of others. Balance and studied the nature is the key to success in life.

One aspect of learning that is often overlooked is the assessment (assessment) or evaluation (evaluation). In general, educators (teachers and lecturers) "less familiar" with the assessment. Teaching preparation (RPP / syllabus) might be good for the material and complete with method, and able to perform well, but the monitoring of results learn whether for repair purposes or to determine the attainment of PBM end is often overlooked.[1] Teachers or lecturers who rarely reached the stage of assessment for competency stiap basic dibelajarkan
It's hard to know what actually happens in the classroom because after the teacher / lecturer in. class, what would they do is their autonomy. More teachers KD talked about which more will be taught rather than ensuring that KD ago has been owned by the students. In their daily discussions among teachers in the teachers' council office, saying that came out was, "It's up to KD What time is it? I've been up to KD 7.1, I will go to KD 7.2. "'I should pursue a goal to be achieved all the KD until the end of this month. " There is almost no discussion of whether the KD that has been mastered the student passed or yet, whether an assessment tool (if any) that they use the right or not. Teachers are not enough to just think of how many targets have been KD completed / dibelajarkan, but more important is the extent to which each KD has been completed by the student.
Of course there are many teachers are willing and able to prepare and implement the assessment process good (innovative and creative). They assessed the process experienced by students. When there are weaknesses, they are trying to find solutions to the achievement of students into better. However, this is rarely done. Teachers' lesson plans are made for certification purposes (they are certainly senior teachers) there are many who incomplete. There is no material development, in the judgment only mentioned types and forms of assessment, because while none. Even if written two or three essays, rubrics to correct it is not attached. If attached, was CONSIDERED AND WHAT TO ASSESS HOW A BASIC COMPETENCE still not right.
I wonder what cause it, but be aware that the assessment of the learning process very important. These interests can be seen on signs that are in Candy No. 20 Year 2007 on the Assessment of Learning. Some of the things Chewing is important in a teacher needs to be understood as follows.
1.      Principles of assessment: valid, objective, fair, open, thorough and continuous, systematic, beracuan criteria, and accountability. This principle shows good quality assessment tools and implementation of the assessment.
2.      Assessment of learning outcomes by educators use a variety of assessment techniques in the form of tests, observations, assignment of individuals or groups, and other forms in accordance with characteristics of competence and level of development of the learner. Assessment of learning should consider the characteristics of the subjects. Skills subjects (Language) seharunys more use of performance assessment (performance assessment); Subjects Science and Mathematics more use of assessment process (assessment process), Social studies more use of assessment
3.      Assessment instruments learning outcomes that educators use to meet the requirements of (a) the substance, is considered to represent competence, (b) construction, is meet the technical requirements in accordance with the form of instrument used, and (C) language, using language that is good and right and communicative according to the level of development of the learner. These requirements are shows the quality assessment tool. Well what is assessed, the type and form assessment tools, as well as disclosure of an assessment tool that indicates whether an appropriate assessment tools, appropriate, and easy to understand.
4.      The design strategy assessment conducted by educators at the preparation of the syllabus penjabarannya is part of the implementation of learning plan (RPP). Supposedly, each formulation of indicators or learning objectives followed by an assessment tool that proper, appropriate, and easy to understand. At least made the records possible assessment tools relevant to the indicator / objective. When too long a distance between formulate indicators / objectives by making the tool assessment will likely forget that it is hard to reinvent the tools relevant, accurate, and easy to understand it.
5.      The results of daily tests informed to the students before the test was held the next day. Learners who have not reached KKM should follow the remedial learning. This signaled that test / exam / test should be corrected / disekor / diponten and the results as soon as may be delivered to students. That way, students can also achieve be enriched or improved and they raged with topic.
6.      Assessment of learning outcomes by educators conducted on an ongoing basis, aimed at to monitor the process and the learning progress of students as well as to improve effectiveness of learning activities. The assessment includes the following activities as the following:
a.      inform the syllabus subjects in which the load on the design and assessment criteria beginning of the semester.
b.      develop indicators KD achievement and choosing the appropriate valuation techniques when preparing syllabus subjects.
c.       develop instruments and guidelines for assessment in accordance with the forms and assessment techniques are selected.
d.      carry out tests, observation, assignment, and / or other required forms.
e.      assessment process to know the progress of learning outcomes and learning difficulties of students.
f.        returns a result examination of student work with feedback / comments to educate.
g.      utilizing the results assessment for learning improvement.
With regard to the issues faced by students in learning, there are some things that can be done by teachers, among other things, (1) implement the learning improvement, (2) enrichment, (3) coaching learning attitude, and (4) increased motivation to learn. Improvement is a form of specific learning that is given to one or more students who have difficulty learning in accordance with the problems experienced by students. Activity principal learning is an attempt to repair the wrongs that occur in accordance with the demands of the students learned the basic competencies.
On learning improvement, the teacher does not need to repeat all the teaching materials that have been delivered. Improvements focused on the mandate of the KD is not controlled by students. How can beerupa (1) provision of guidance specifically for students and individuals who have not or have difficulty in the control of specific KD or (2) provision of a task or treatment (treatment) In particular the nature simplification of the implementation of regular pembelajarn. The streamlined shape that teachers can do, among others, by simplifying the content / materials, how presentation (for example, with pictures, schematics, graphs, simple summary), and simplification of the given problem.
For students who quite fast in the study are given enrichment. Way in which the carry out the enrichment can be either (1) the provision of additional reading or discussions to broaden students' horizons about the specific KD (2) the provision of task to perform image analysis, reading, or paragraph, (3) gives additional practice problems, (4) help other students who have not reached exhaustiveness or a peer tutor.
Candy items 20/2007 showed the importance of assessment, both in prepare, execute and follow up results. The question is: (a) Do we have to meet the principles of good judgment, (b) Do we have using a variety of assessment techniques? (3) Is the assessment instruments have been sufficient to meet the requirements? (4) Did RPP already contains aspects of the assessment complete? (5) Whether the assessment is notified to the students? (6) Are the results penilaia been followed up in accordance with student achievement individual?
If all questions was answered "Already!" then that's the ideal teacher in the assessment. If not, start thinking about this. Not to happen, the failure of students due to our carelessness in assessing.

by: Prof. Dr. Atmazaki Dt. Mongguang Sati, M.Pd.
Professor Learning Indonesian Padang State University Born in Batuhampar, Fifty-City district, dated August 24, 1959. Address: Complex Singgalang A block 10/11 0751 481 520 Padang Phone: 081 363 213 986 Mobile: Email: atmazaki2002@yahoo.com; a-zaki@ranahminang.net.

[1] Neglected it is not done, but peencanaan, implementation, and feedback behind it have an impact on the quality of learning. Perhaps this term redundant as well, but I use to remind us all that assessment is vital in learning prose.