Rabu, 01 Februari 2012

Orientation of Training

      Ice Breaking and Orientation are two inseparable things in the world of training, both of which are something to be a hot discussion of the success of training because something may be said that the success of the training depends on two things. If they do not complete the next training will be focused and not be in accordance with the desired target
1.   Understanding
Orientation is meant here is a process of understanding to the participants, about all things related to exercise is being held. In essence, the orientation of which was performed during the training is trying to answer three important questions, namely:
a. What are they (the participants) in this event?
b. What should they do?
c. What things Just who will they meet?
   2.   Purpose
The purpose of this orientation is done:
a. Eliminate the confusion of participants about what they actually follow.
b. Align the initial motivation them to attend the training
c. Provide an understanding of the things what they should do during the training
d. Provide a brief description about things they will encounter during the training (with do not tell things that are very confidential / esensil).
e. Raising commitment and their willingness to participate in this event from start to finish with full attention and awareness.
  3.   Method
               The method can be used in conducting the orientation of the lectures and discussions. Lecture intended to explain to all participants about:
a. What actual ongoing training, goal, target, position committee, duties and authority of coaches, organizational coaches, the rooms that is in place to hold training that participants can and can not enter into it.
b. Structured tasks, resume, participants scoring system, the aspects (domains) assessment, weight assessment, dispensation permits and pass the criteria of participants.
c. All the things that with respect to the training process (origin not the things most essential and The secret in training)
   4.   Things that Need Look For When Orientation
a. Each participant must have the motivation to follow each training, motivation is there is a good start and there needs to be clarified. In orientasilah initial motivation of each participant should be straightened and directed.
b. When carrying out orientation, let expressed very clearly What about the training that they will follow, serve each question appear and explain what it is, do not manipulate the situation.
c. time available to orientation depends on the circumstances, but for facilitate, if participants do not doubt anymore (does not show up again the question) orientation can be expressed when it is completed. 
d. Time will end the orientation, all participants can be tied with one commitment given orally one at a time that they are ready and willing to become participants of the training. If anyone is not willing to declare commitment, should the participant withdraw from the beginning.

This article comes from Mr. Supriadi, S.Ag, M Ed (Education and Training Widywaiswara extraordinary Baso Bukittinggi in West Sumatra Regional Affairs) and has edited and supplemented by permission of the author.