Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Body Language Shows the Learning Styles

To absorb the visual information a student would sit up straight and follow the presenter with her eyes, while an auditory learner often megulang with soft words - words spoken by the presenter or often nodding his head as the facilitator present the information orally. Student type is often played on a tape in her head as she tried to recall information. So maybe he'll do it when he looked up. While a kinesthetic learners often looked down as he listened.
How to tell just by looking at learning styles?

A student who sat upright and looked straight ahead, his eyes looking upwards or to receive information and if he was talking fast

Student Auditory
One student who saw the left and to right to receive information, or look down, its opposite kesisi (a left-handed students who do not look kekikri). she will usually speak with a humming noise

A right-handed students who move around, looked right and down when receiving and storing, and a slow speaker

Seminars for teachers and moderators to analyze and service all the learning styles of each student. we will not be able to do it to everyone all the time, but we can guarantee that any style served on a regular basis during the lesson. If so, we'd be surprised how easily people learn and how little resistance ditemui.Ingat Every child is a talented individual