Another revealed: lack of motivation to learn, too tired, still
read by spelling class II and III, have not been able to multiply 4 and 5
class IV, ethics and behaviors of concern (noise, a word
dirty, no manners), after providing training and
most other methods in this troubled child with
left brain dominant trend, and many more
problems are seen, not to mention the problems that came when
These students confide to him the problem in the family, teachers
often upset by yelling, noisy students while in class
and special treatment, more attention by the teacher to some students ...
boring ....
parents sometimes unnoticed problem like this caused
megumpulkan busy in the coffers of wealth for the sake of livelihood
decent ... as simple as a family, like a family
employee, as a wealthy family.
of all the key issues of principle there is a parent with
provide motivation rather than pressure, affectionate attention
rather than shouted, provide time for children instead of bitching
anger, love is certainly not identical with the
give what he wants but touch the hearts and attention
kelubuk deepest hearts that the child will not be a child
with a broken home or deviant behavior.