Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Example Design of Classroom Action Research

A.      Type Research.
Research This is the kind of classroom action research. Actions taken by implement a variety of media images in improving students' ability to think to digest the lessons of Social Sciences, so as to optimize learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is one class act an effort to improve classroom learning process in an effort to improve and change its strategy towards better learning. The change process This study will contribute to student learning outcomes.
Model spiral and Mc.Taggart Kemmis (1988:10) used as a benchmark in the running This action research carried out by four steps are as the following:
1.      Develop plan of action to be taken to improve the situation.
2.      Do action to explain the plan.
3.      Observe the impact of the situation presented in the context of events.
4.      Reflect impact as a basis for planning and so on, and to form a cycle.
Cycle found on the strategy and Mc.Taggart Kemmis (1988:11) can be described as follows:

B.       Setting Research
1.      Background Place of study.
Research was carried out in class V MIN Talawi Sawahlunto by the number of students as many as 24 people, consisting of 15 women and 9 men. Research performed in line with ongoing learning, with a view solve problems that have been the constraints and consideration for the author as a teacher in class V MIN Talawi.
Implementation research is the researcher himself as a teacher with a subject of study is V MIN Talawi graders. The reason this study chose the location because of the sense of responsibility for the success of education in general, as well as success students master the learning material in particular.

2.      Time Research.
Research was implemented in semester II (two) on the subjects of Social Knowledge students from class V MIN Talawi with the teaching materials: Valuing the contribution and role figures in the independence proclaimed conducted based on the article Implementation of research-based Learning Class Action.

C.      Producer / Cycle Research
Research This is done through the cycle, with each cycle consisting of a competency basis. Each cycle performed with action plans which will be given a emphasizes the use of media images in any basic competency. On time the offense is committed colleague (collaborator) observe and record events in a positive classroom and negative. Based on the observations collaborator, problems encountered are discussed to determine the improvement measures on The next activity until the obtained results are considered good, according with the expected goals. Research steps are as the following:
Cycle I
a.       Plan
Before the activity performed in the first class in the form of structured plan of activities analyze and design a learning plan based on the exercise of Action Research Class describes the content, objectives to be achieved, the material will be taught and prepare media images, and prepare the material within their duties to be given to children. And also prepared in the form of the observation instrument to be used.
b.      Implementation Action
The teacher explains the material through the use of media images. One by one the image was displayed dipapan stationery, children replied the teacher asked about the matter. Frequently asked questions children completed work on assigned tasks, teachers around the monitor and provide assistance for children in difficulty.
c.       Observation
During the learning process kobolator help teach your friends to observe the implementation of the action, both teachers and activities of their children. Besides, the teachers also observed learning time activities of children and do the job and record the events significant positive or negative. All activities that occur are recorded by kabolator friends, either by filling in the observation or make notes the other events that need to be discussed.
d.      Reflex.
At the end of the cycle I reflection of the activities conducted and results obtained by observations collaborator, notes made of teachers and the tasks done by children. The results of these reflections are used as the basis for plan action in the next cycle.
Cycle II
a.       Planning.
Based on reflection on the results, I prepared another cycle of lesson plans for the material next. The plan is based on weaknesses encountered in the I cycle for learning in a structured program to overcome bias problems in the teaching-learning process. The plan could completion of first cycle programs, or develop new programs totally different from cycle I.

b.      Implementation of the action.
Plan that has been arranged on the second cycle was carried out on the learning process according to the plan that had been developed.
c.       Observation.
Activity learning in the second cycle was observed by the teacher and noted collaborator important things. Teachers who teach well also makes the important note found during this activity cycle II.
d.      Reflex.
Result opservasi observations made and used as dalammelakukan reflection cycle II. If the results of observations and records that are appropriate dperoleh with the desired learning activities do not need to continue to cycle III. But if it is still not satisfactory compiled again perencanaanuntuk cycle III and next to study the results obtained in accordance with the standards completeness at least an average final exam scores range in the 6.5.
D.      Data Collecting Methods and Tools
The method used in data collection in this study (instrument) are: 1) obsesi.2) distributing the questionnaire, 3) giving the test, 4) The tasks that the students, and 5) Journal of teachers.
While data collection tool are: 1) Format of observation, 2) learning motivation questionnaire, 3) Test results to learn, 4) analysis of documents, and 5) Notes field.
a.       Format observation to check the activities of which is based on indicators that found previously. Aspects of observed through the observation is related to motivation to learn premises, activities in teaching and learning in order to see the implementation kesesuian action plan has been prepared.
b.      Questionnaire motivation to learn; intended for students in order to elicit a response on the implementation of learning. To see scores of motivation filled with students is weighted in each option in the range: best = 5, good = 4, moderate = 3, less = 2, less so = 1.
c.       Test results to learn; used test objective and fitted with an oral test in the form of direct questions.
d.      Document analysis; berupatugas-task given to students each cycle runs.
and.       Notes about the events that occurred for a given action, whether positive or negative.
E.       Data Analysis and Reflection
          Made in the analysis stage data are: 1) data reduction, ie the abstraction process raw data into meaningful information, 2) exposure data; the process performance data simpler in form neratif exposure, representative free, 3) inference: that is the essence of the dish-making process the data in the form sentences that contain a broad sense. Based on the data acquired, processed and analyzed with descriptive techniques, which saw an average score of the student evaluation results obtained from the subjects of Social Sciences, and can also be seen from the results of daily tests on each end of the lesson. Data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitatively children's learning outcome data were analyzed to see any activity its development. Similarly, data obtained from observation of activities teaching and learning is conducted, analyzed and used as an ingredient consideration in determining the next action. Also all the data used to infer from the actions of its influence on child's learning process. The analysis of this data will be included in the research reports.