Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Function Image and Video in Learning

Picture or photograph is a medium oflearning that are universal, easy to understand and is not bound by the language standard, can be enjoyed everywhere. In learning process of media images can attract the attention of students, clarify terms of learning, and illustrate a fact or concept.
In common media images in the learning process is to study the interaction between teacher and pupil, so that learning activities to be effective and efesien.Menurut Kemp, and Dayton (1985:26), the benefit is drawing media;

a.      Delivery learning material can be made uniform in order to avoid information gaps among students.
b.    Process learning becomes more clear and interesting, because it can evoke a sense of want to know the students.
In learning process of creating an image or photo more reality to develop material than mere verbal media. There are several advantages of media images namely:
a.         Its concrete
Picture / photo realistic describes the subject matter
b.        Images can overcome the limits of space and time
Not all objects, objects or event can be brought into the classroom and students can not always be keobjek or event. to the image can be mengatasinya.seperti water waterfalls, lakes, can be presented through pictures. Past event, sleeping or even the last minute can not be seen as is.
c.         Images can overcome the limitations of the observer.
Cells or cross-section of leaves that we might not see with the naked eye, can be presented in the form of drawings or photographs.
d.        Can clarify things.
In any field and for any age level so as to prevent or correct problem.
and.         Cheap and easily obtained, and used without requiring special equipment