Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Indonesia Regulation System of Education Legislation since 1998

At the time of reforms introduced, the people of Indonesia want change in all aspects of national life including the one aspect of education, which is a sector that has a strategic and functional role in the effort make the changes. Under the Act No. 20 of 2003 Indonesia already has an education system, where  development of education in Indonesia at least use the four basic strategies namely, first equal opportunity to education, second, the relevance of education, Third, improving the quality of education and the fourth, the efficiency of education.

 In general, these strategies can be divided into two dimensions: improved quality and equity of education. Development quality improvement is expected to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and educational productivity. While the policy of equality education expected can provide equal opportunity in education for all school age. From this new education can be viewed as catalisator that can support the other factors as a means of education efforts human resource development (HRD) is becoming increasingly important in the development a nation.
Four strategies basic education policy described above is ideal. but by Muchtar Buchori, an education expert, to assess the policy Our education has never been clear. Education in Indonesia during the time in set with the national education system that is closely associated with life political nation, which resulted in producing men of Indonesia depressed, not critically, act and think in reference to a power structure which only serve the interests of small groups of people of Indonesia.
Policy our education, thinking in reference to uniformity. Can be said that during the These are all centralized education policy. The curriculum is set in the center, power is determined from the center of education, educational facilities and infrastructure given from the center, everything is uniform from the center. It is very ironic more work is put education as a "non academic" education organized by the "authorities" power "administrative-birocration" do not put education as an academic and work organization education under the authority of science.
Post reform in 1998, there were fundamental changes in education system nationwide. These changes follow the change of government system centralized towards decentralistic or better known as the autonomy of education and policies that affect our education system. Autonomy is based on Law No. 22 of 1999 making judgments or policy decisions independently. With basic This, then an ideal educational autonomy can be grown in a free, democratic, rational and certainly among the beings in the quality. Therefore, the reconstruction and reform in the System National and regional education as stipulated in the Guidelines of State Policy, 1999, also has formulated our mission of realizing the National Education and the climate system the democratic national education and quality, in order to strengthen noble character, creative, innovative, insightful nationality, intelligent, healthy, disciplined, responsibility and control of science and technology in order to develop quality Indonesia's human.
To achieve that mission should be applied range of policy directions, one of which is improving the ability of academic and professional well-being of educational personnel.
In realizing the mission the government has amending the 1945 budget for education 20% and policy issued in the form of Act No. 20 of 2003 on the System National Education Act No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers and Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 on National Standards Which mandates that teacher education is required to have academic qualifications, competency and certificates of educators and Government Regulation no. 74 of 2008 about teachers.
            Regulation legislation has been made in such a way to create education quality, while in fact many obstacles of the ground discovered by the teacher in fulfilling the conditions required by the increasing quality and certification of teachers, for that has passed the certification that we see them in the files is very poor with papers, how they will produce students who are able to write scholarly.
            Reality in the learning process a lot is an obstacle for educators themselves one of them which is a common treatment hello to every student, while in the life as we understand together that humans have an innate characteristic and different psychology, child psychology students remember the different required special treatment the measured and planned.