Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Fordevelopment of children aged 1-2 years

If the first year of age, children have been established and running despite the shaky start but has been active motor nerves, physical benayak movement, then it will be more stimulated to use his tools and get to know their environment, then the child at the age of two years has undergone a shift in interest and mentality. At this time the child has an increased interest in the interaction with the people around him began to notice and appreciate the presence of others. He even began to imitate the movements and behavior of those around him. Imitate the words, and began to feel jealous if left untreated. As for the motor, the children have started to feel able to mimic the picture and love doodling.

If the child is able to run long enough it will move given the corner room in the house without regard to fatigue. Therefore, we need attention and peacekeepers to avoid dangerous for her own safety, such as creating a barrier on the stairs. Good measure of psychological development with a fixed directly, do not often provide the constraints and restrictions. The instinct of curiosity is a very large initial capital to trust him when adults and children are often restricted when the child will grow up to be a personal restraint and fear of being wrong.
We also provide facilitation for the game to sharpen his wit, for example the map-and-seek play. (Let him alone in the house and hidden parts of us another room or behind a sofa and then call sibuah find our hearts, when he met Startle but how shocks to be taken to ensure that not too shocked and praised him for his ingenuity has managed to find us.