Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Belief learning of children aged 0-1 years

The experts argue that the privilege of human development is at the age of 0-1 years or a special time for us as a baby. after birth it is at this time we are experiencing the development of organ function very quickly. What-what do baby, ranging from finding a way to drink milk. Ears have heard the sounds, the sound of his parents, were very interested in what a sound. The eyes have to know the people around him, to know the color. His hand has also begun reaching whatever he could reach without fear of pain.
At a later stage by the age of 6 (six) months of the baby has started to tilt his body, face down and learn to lift his head with elbows and arms to prop up the body. While the rapidly developing brain functions in accordance with the development of other organ functions. Children will feel uneasy and cry when wet, can laugh, smile and good cheer. The child is able to talk even though he could not utter the words, the child also has to play with so it will look laughter that accompanied the motion arms and legs.
At the age of six months to a year the child will begin to mimic his father and mother, begins to grow teeth, began to spell words can only say Mamah though ... mamam and so on. At this age children also will move the hands with applause, the child also has started to learn to stand despite frequent falls but continues to do to never give up said this is proof the child learn to sooth the spirit of a child with a positive belief. In order to develop an optimistic attitude is still needed attention and affection patterns are well kept and nurtured so that it can not be privately pessimistic and fearful. In the next stage of the child will learn to walk, step by step. Also try stringing it word for word although sometimes not clear hearing. As the development social intelligence (Interpersonal Intellegence) children also have to understand the commands and prohibitions, and has a passion to know about everything. As a parent that their children grow as a person mengaharapkan super is needed knowledge and ways of parenting that psychological development of children to be good. At this time we also have to be smart in providing toys and games for children with memprtimbangkan principle of benefit and safety for the child.
One example of a game that introduces children to hone knowledge of the face or body tools are seen by the method of the game with a cheerful smile ....